ACEC of Idaho Scholarship
ACEC of Idaho has accomplished much through its committees and their members. Below is a list of committees that have been in place throughout most of the organization’s history.
American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) of Idaho and ACEC National Scholarship Opportunities
Who Is Eligible: Students entering their junior, senior, fifth or graduate year in the Fall of 2019.
Scholarship Amount: One scholarship will be given for $1,000 and one for $500. The state winners will be forwarded to ACEC National competition for consideration of an additional amount up to $5,000 (only state winners may proceed to the national level)
Deadline for Scholarship Application: February 22, 2020
Application Availability: Scholarship Application, Application Checklist , or applications can be found in your college engineering department, or by calling the ACEC of Idaho office at 208-321-1502.
Where to Return Application:
Applications must be returned by
February 22, 2019 to:
ACEC of Idaho
P.O. Box 8224
Boise, ID 83707
Or delivered by
February 22, 2020 to:
ACEC of Idaho
5460 W. Franklin Rd., Suite A
Boise, ID 82705
Applications will be judged by a local panel of engineers and the state winner will be forwarded to ACEC National by March 1, 2020. Winners are expected to be announced by Summer of 2020.
Applications will be scored on the following criteria (see Scholarship Guidelines for more details on scoring guidelines)
Cumulative Grade Point
Work Experience
Extracurricular College Activities
First Time Applicant
20 points
30 points
20 points
5 points
For More Information: Contact the ACEC of Idaho office at 208-321-1502 or by email at
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